Independent Non Executive Director, with +10 NED roles experience, serving for listed (BVB, LSE) and not-listed financial institutions, not-for-profit, private and public sector organisations, adding value in all Board of Directors Committees, especially as Chairman of the Audit Committee.
Trusted Advisor, working with CEOs and CFOs to unleash the value-creation potential and help the clients drive through uncertainties, supported by deep finance, risk management, corporate governance and Big4 advisory expertise.
Extensive executive experience in global financial institutions, authorised by FSA, having for +20 years CFO and dCEO roles. Involved in M&A, acquiring or being acquired, being responsible for integration and change management.
Sectorial expertise includes financial institutions (insurance, pension funds, close-end investment funds, leasing, financing), infrastructure, utilities & energy, aviation, manufacturing and agribusiness.