
Studies and reports

The G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance: An international standard put to active use

OECD Recommendation on Guidelines on Anti-Corruption and Integrity in State-Owned Enterprises

Boards of the Future - Global Board Survey 2018

European Commission
European company law and corporate governance - a modern legal framework for more engaged shareholders and sustainable companies

A Guide to Corporate Governance Practices in the European Union
IFC/ecoDa Guide to Corporate Governance Practices of the European Union
IFC corporate governance toolkits and manuals


ecoDa Corporate Governance Guidance and Principles for unlisted companies in Europe
Five CG Guidelines to accelerate change and sustainable growth in Europe
Joint ecoDa / AIG webinar  "Mitigating risks at Board level"
A Guide to Corporate Governance Practices in the European Union
IFC/ecoDa Guide to Corporate Governance Practices of the European Union
Guidance on CG for Unlisted Companies in Europe
ecoDa & Mazars joint survey "The board's role in in designing an effective framework of corporate governance"

Corporate governance
How boards can reduce corporate misbehavior

Independence as a concept in corporate governance
Tenets of good corporate governance

Setting the pace or keeping up – Is your board future fit?
Rolul comitetului de audit
The 9 key recommendations that can help improve corporate governance in the EU produced by the 23rd European Corporate Governance Conference

WEF - Board Duties in EnsuringCompany Engagement with Affected Stakeholders - Guidance Note
Study on directors’ duties and sustainable corporate governance
How can purpose reveal a path through disruption? EY Beacon Institute maps the journey from rhetoric to reality.
Independent directors
Building a spin-off board: Are you ready?