Adrian Gorcea has significant leadership experience with over 25 years accomplished in Executive Management positions. Since 1991 he has accumulated both operational and leadership experience in various fields: IT, construction, transport, automotive, insurance or card and voucher payment systems.
Top executive in a French multinational present in 82 countries and with over 450.000 employees, Adrian has participated in strategic development projects on several continents in multicultural and multidisciplinary teams.
For the last 3 years, beside his activity in the private sector, Adrian actively contributes, as member of Administrative Boards, to the reform of state-owned companies and to the introduction and adoption of corporate management principles in the public sector.
In every place he worked, he significantly and positively influenced the results and produced the necessary changes by building efficient teams with skilled, innovative and engaged people, applying the principles of modern leadership.
Among the areas in which he has gained experience throughout his career are:
- Team Growth and Leadership
- Team Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
- Strategic Planning & Leadership
- Coaching & NLP
- Re-design customer experience
- Lean Management (Kaizen, 5S)
- Sales & Sales Management (B2C, B2B, B2G)
- Strategic Marketing
- Corporate Governance