Executive President, Alpha Bank Romania
President of the Board of Directors, Romanian Association of Banks
Mr. Sergiu Oprescu has a vast experience spanning over 20 years in banking and capital markets. Currently, he acts as Executive President of Alpha Bank Romania and President of the Board of Directors, Romanian Association of Banks.
Before that, Mr. Oprescu held several managerial positions in companies belonging to the financial sector, of which we mention the position of executive vice-president in charge with retail banking in Alpha Bank Romania, CEO and vice-president of the Board of Alpha Finance and president of the Bucharest Stock Exchange, during 2001-2006.
Mr. Oprescu has been actively involved in local and international professional organizations such as member of the European Banking Federation's Board, since the year 2015, and the European Mortgage Federation where, since the year 2009, he acts as Executive Board member.
During 2008 - 2014, he held the position of member of the Board of Directors, Romanian Association of Banks, for 2 mandates in a row.
He graduated from the Aeronautics School of Bucharest (1987) and GSB of the University of Colorado, USA (1996).