Having a large professional background, Ph.D. in economics, economist and jurist, I gained robust experience in managing Financial and Accounting departments, as well as Audit Departments, in a wide range of fields, both in local and multinational companies, including listed companies.
I participated as CFO as well as Member of Directorate of SPEEH Hidroelectrica SA, the largest power producer in Romania, at the greatest transformation of a Romanian State own company. We managed to change Hidroelectrica from a company in insolvency to Romania's most profitable company in 2016, with a gross profit of almost lei 1.8 billion (according to IFRS) over the profits obtained by OMV Petrom and respectively ROMGAZ.
I have been focused on banking and financial and non-banking legislation, especially in the field of NFIs where I have worked for over 7 years. I know the legislation applicable to the energy sector where I also worked for about 4 years. I have participated to the implementation of many ERP systems, Oracle, Navision, SAP, etc. for which I have received European awards.
I am a member of the professional associations of accountants, auditors, tax advisors and internal controllers and I am a follower of corporate governance, including SOX type, as an effective tool for risk management but alsof or increasing the wealth of shareholders.
Petronel Chiriac PhD, Ec, Jur